In the development of the child, modern psychology distinguishes several age periods. Each is characterized by the uniqueness of the child’s position in society and his relationship with others, certain patterns of development of the motivational and intellectual and cognitive aspects of the personality and, of course, the uniqueness of the leading activity. As you know, at preschool age, such an activity is a game.
The main content of the role-playing game is made up of relations between people, to the assimilation of which the preschooler is the most sensitive. Taking into account this provision, the strategy of the educational process in the kindergarten is being built. In the game, the child masters this relationship through the meaningful role of an adult, which he assumes, and the actions associated with this role.
It is very important that such games are not only emotionally attractive, but also informative. Unfortunately, even a cursory analysis of the practice shows that children’s games are not always.
On the development of the child
The appearance of computer games allows you to significantly complement the world of the preschooler, to adjust its development. The introduction of computers in preschool institutions of various types, undoubtedly, has a great developmental and educational effect. Consider some of the opportunities that, as experience shows, opened up only through the use of computer games. Computer games have a number of advantages, they cannot be replaced by merely didactic or plot games. On the display screen, any fantasy of the child, the heroes of books and fairy tales come to life. But the objects of the world, figures and letters, also come to life. The child can control objects, can make them change, appear or disappear, that is, he feels their reality, as well as the reality of the surrounding things. At the same time, he cannot take them in hand, cannot touch them. In addition, computer games are constructed in such a way that the child could not imagine a single concept or a specific situation, but received a generalized view of all similar situations or objects. Thus, children develop such important operations of thinking as generalization and classification, which, with standard training, begin to form only in 6-7 years.
It is very important that computer games allow you to form a high learning ability of children from preschool age. Learning is commonly understood as the set of intellectual properties on which the productivity of learning activities depends. The most significant are the five properties of thinking: generalization, awareness, flexibility, stability, independence.
The ability to most effectively form the generalization of mental activity
Its focus on abstracting and generalizing essential features and situations, on transferring knowledge (including operations) to new conditions is inherent in most computer programs. The child only wins, achieves a reinforcing result, when he is able to isolate the essential in a game or learning situation. Awareness of mental activity is determined by the adequate practical actions of the verbal report on the process of solving the problem. Both developing and educational computer programs in the overwhelming majority have verbal accompaniment of the game decision, advancements in educational material, and this contributes to the formation of high awareness.